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Writing posts

All posts must go in one of the sections in the src/content/posts directory. If none of the sections match the content of your post, open an issue and I'll try to help out.



Each post must have the following frontmatter properties:

  • title: string

    The title of the post.

  • description: string

    A short description of what the post is about.

  • date: ISO date

    When the post was initially published.

  • lastmod: ISO date (optional)

    When the post was last modified after publishing.

Frontmatter must be in YAML format.


title: "Google: A Misrepresented Evil"
description: Don't be evil, sometimes.
date: 2022-08-12
lastmod: 2022-11-26 # Optional



You should only use headings 2 to 6 in posts

## Heading 2

### Heading 3

#### Heading 4

##### Heading 5

###### Heading 6


If paragraphs are getting too long, they should be split up into multiple paragraphs. A good estimate would be if the paragraph exceeds 4-5 lines in your code editor (with soft wrapping enabled). Do not use <br> to split up paragraphs, use normal Znak paragraph spacing.

HTML elements should be avoided if a Znak equivalent is available. The blog uses Znak syntax, so you should follow that.

Instead of > blockquotes, the quote container should be used.

Adding files

Files that support your text, such as code, should go in public/files/ and can be accessed using /files/[your-file]. If you're linking a code file, you should do so with:

<a href="/files/[your-file]" download="[your-file]">Download the file (you can write whatever you want here)</a>

Images should go in the content directory with your files, and can be accessed relative to the post. For example, the notes/mozilla post references images in notes/mozilla/[image].png with ![Alt text](./mozilla/[image].png). Images in the notes collection should not be accessed by posts in the posts collection, and vice versa. All images should have alt text.



::: note [note title]
[note content]

The note title is optional, and the default title is "NOTE".


::: quote [quote title] {href="[quote link]"}
[quote content]

The quote title and link are both optional, but highly recommended. The default title is "QUOTE".


::: warning [warning title]
[warning content]

The warning title is optional, and the default title is "WARNING".

Last updated:

Released under the 0BSD license.